Trailblazer Magazine is an interactive visual magazine amplifying the creative voices of today's youth.
Our goal is to provide a space for artists and creatives to share their work with the world. We want to show you what they do, how they do it, and why they do it. In hopes of encouraging people to never stop creating and inspire to be who you are and do what you love.


Ana Treviño, is an International Studies major from Mexico. Currently, Ana is undertaking a UX Specialization from Google, a Graphic Design Specialization from IDEP Barcelona,
& works as a freelance web designer.
When she's not creating for TRLBLZR MAG, you can find her reading or spending quality time with her grandmother. She loves exploring nature, film photography and collecting too many plants!

Adriana Gutiérrez, Oliver Tallis, John Mackey and Alma Crespo for dedicating their time, creativity & skills to grow TRLBLZR & believing in this project from the very beginning.